A Letter to the Trans Youth of Arkansas

I hope you hear this a lot, but it bears repeating, especially at this time in our state: You. Are. Loved. By me, by other therapists, by many medical professionals, by advocates, by the Queer community, by trans-affirming activists, by your friends, by non-queer allies, by other trans folks - many, many, many people love you and know your worth in this world. 

Just because the feelings you have are not understood by people in power does not mean that your feelings are not real, or valid, or important, or deserving of respect and care. Just because the body you were born into doesn’t feel right does not mean you are broken or wrong or unlovable or unworthy of medical treatment. Just because the laws being enacted in our state are attempting to deny your personhood does not mean you are less of a person. Please know this, internalize this, take it deep into your heart and remember it when you are feeling your worst. You are loved and you are worthy.

Something you should know: humans are fear-based animals and we make decisions largely based on feelings, and largely based on fear. The people in power in this state represent many under-informed or inexperienced folks who just don’t understand you - and because they don’t understand you they are afraid of you, and because they are afraid of you they are doing their best to try and deny you rights and treatment because they believe that will make you go away, and then they won’t have to be afraid any longer. It is sad when things get to this point in our society, but they have gotten to this point many, many times before: for women, for the Indigenous, for Black Americans, and for many other minority groups. Please do not despair. Be proud of who you are. You are a rare and precious human being who deserves the same rights as any other human being, and someday you will have them.

Your worth in this world comes from your belief in yourself and from the loving people around you, and not from the legislation that gets written by people who live their lives in fear. Please don’t despair. Please believe in yourself. And please find community with people who love you and see your worth. We have your back, and we support you no matter what.